Selasa, 09 Mei 2023

Minggu, 02 April 2023

Do You Use artificial intelligence (AI)?

Are you curious about how artificial intelligence (AI) came to be? Do you want to learn more about the history of this fascinating field and its achievements? If so, you are in the right place! In this blog post, I will give you a brief overview of the history of AI, from its origins to its current state.

AI is the branch of computer science that aims to create machines and systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, perception, decision making, and natural language processing. AI is not a new idea; in fact, it has been around for thousands of years in various forms of myths, legends, and stories. For example, ancient Greeks imagined intelligent robots like Talos and Pygmalion's Galatea, while medieval alchemists tried to create artificial life forms like homunculi and golems.

However, the scientific foundations of AI were laid in the 20th century by philosophers, mathematicians, and logicians who tried to formalize the principles of human thinking and reasoning. One of the pioneers of this field was Alan Turing, who proposed a test to determine whether a machine can exhibit human-like intelligence. He also envisioned a universal machine that could perform any computation given a suitable program.

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy at a conference at Dartmouth College, where he invited some of the leading researchers in the field to discuss the possibilities and challenges of creating intelligent machines. This event marked the birth of AI as a distinct discipline within computer science. Some of the early achievements of AI include:

- The Logic Theorist, a program that could prove mathematical theorems by Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, and Cliff Shaw in 1956.

- The General Problem Solver, a program that could solve a wide range of problems by Simon and Newell in 1957.

- ELIZA, a program that could simulate a psychotherapist by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966.

- SHRDLU, a program that could understand and manipulate objects in a virtual world by Terry Winograd in 1970.

These programs demonstrated that machines could perform tasks that were previously thought to require human intelligence and creativity. However, they also faced some limitations and difficulties, such as:

- The brittleness of rule-based systems that could not handle unexpected situations or common sense knowledge.

- The complexity and inefficiency of searching through large spaces of possible solutions or representations.

- The lack of learning and adaptation abilities that could improve performance over time or cope with changing environments.

These challenges led to a period of reduced funding and interest in AI research in the 1970s and 1980s, known as the "AI winter". However, some researchers continued to explore new approaches and paradigms for AI, such as:

- Machine learning, which focuses on developing algorithms and systems that can learn from data and experience without explicit programming.

- Neural networks, which are inspired by the structure and function of biological neurons and can perform complex nonlinear computations.

- Expert systems, which are based on encoding domain-specific knowledge and rules into a system that can provide advice or solutions to problems.

- Genetic algorithms, which are based on simulating natural evolution and selection processes to optimize solutions or designs.

These approaches revived the field of AI and led to some breakthroughs and applications in various domains, such as:

- Speech recognition, which enables machines to understand and generate natural language speech.

- Computer vision, which enables machines to perceive and interpret visual information from images or videos.

- Natural language processing, which enables machines to analyze and generate natural language text.

- Game playing, which enables machines to play and win against human opponents in games like chess or Go.

- Robotics, which enables machines to move and interact with physical environments.

AI has become one of the most influential and rapidly advancing fields of science and technology in the 21st century. It has also raised some ethical and social issues, such as:

- The impact of AI on human jobs and skills.

- The responsibility and accountability of AI systems and their creators.

- The privacy and security of personal data used by AI systems.

- The alignment of AI goals and values with human ones.

- The potential risks and benefits of artificial general intelligence (AGI) or artificial superintelligence (ASI), which are hypothetical forms of AI that could surpass human intelligence in all domains.

The history of AI is not over; it is still unfolding before our eyes. AI is constantly evolving and improving thanks to new discoveries, innovations, and applications. It is also challenging us

Senin, 16 Januari 2023

Macam-macam kuas lukis dan fungsinya

Kelas 3 Semester 2

Salam jumpa dan selamat melaksanakan kegiatan kalian semua semoga hari ini pun senantiasa menjadi hari yang istimewa dan indah. 
Terkait dengan persiapan belajar semoga kalian sudah dapat menerima semua buku cetak dan juga buku catatan yang telah dibagikan,
Apabila belum menerima karena tidak masuk dapat menggunakan halaman-halaman yang dibagikan di halaman ini, semoga bermanfaat.

Minggu kedua bulan Februari, anak-anak sudah memasuki unit yang baru yaitu Unit 6, semoga dengan menjelang/ berakhirnya unit 5 saat ini beberapa halaman yang dibagikan di bawah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi anak-anak semua, terutama bbagi yang tidak memiliki buku cetak. Selamat belajar.


Apabila tidak ada buku cetak, Materi Belajar dan Latihan dapat dibuka pada halaman-halaman berikut ini :

Bahasa Inggris

Halaman untuk Latihan per unit :

Unit 5 >>>>> Latihan 1, 2, 3 dst

Unit 6 >>>>> Latihan 1, 2, 3 dst...

Kelas 2 Semester 2

Salam jumpa dan selamat melaksanakan kegiatan kalian semua semoga hari ini pun senantiasa menjadi hari yang istimewa dan indah. 
Terkait dengan persiapan belajar semoga kalian  dapat menggunakan beberapa materi di bawah ini, terutama bagi yang tidak ada buku cetak. Selamat belajar.


Materi belajar dan latihan dapat dibaca atau diunduh di sini :
Bahasa Ingggris

Kelas 1 Semester 2

Salam jumpa dan selamat melaksanakan kegiatan kalian semua semoga hari ini pun senantiasa menjadi hari yang istimewa dan indah. 
Terkait dengan persiapan belajar semoga dapat memakai materi belajar, terutama bagi yang tidak ada buku cetak. Selamat belajar.


Materi Latihan belajar dan latihan dapat di buka atau unduh di sini.

Bahasa Inggris 

Minggu, 01 Januari 2023

Wajahnya Udah Dibikin

Ini bisa jadi sebagai saat kedua kali 

Musim ingin membagikan ceritanya 

Bahwa dingin tidak selamanya harus sama 

Sebagai nuansa penghambat lajunya gerak 

Tidak pula ada keharusan memuramkan eloknya wajah ditengah keraguan 

Dimana keputusan telah menohokkan sebongkah tawaran dibalik memasirnya rajutan berkesinambungan dipenuhi harga...

Bertubi ragamnya rupa pilih menginap pada endapan - endapan mimpi  dikisah securam datangnya bening air pengisi lereng-lerengnya...

Menjadi wajah 


Siapa gerangan pengubah 

Atau pembawa semua kabaruan 

Telah layak sebagai yang dicari...

Tanting memutar terbit ada disana 

Mengeraskan seberkas mantra pengawet hingga pengganda kekuatan 

.. datang menelusup... bersama bayu beraroma 😎. Tanpa suara....

Mengenali Kebutuhan Anak Untuk Perkembangannya

Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak-anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh nutrisi dan aktivitas fisik. Kekurangan nutrisi dan kurangnya aktivitas fisik...